Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Haiku 0128012012

Dog print comet tail
repeated on snowy path--
I deduce a limp.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Russ's review of Ghost

This is what Shepherd Express theater critic Russ Bickerstaff had to say about our show.


Kudos to everyone who made the interactive murder mystery a sold-out success.

Thanks to Aaron at Alchemist who created the opportunity.

And thanks to our audiences who took a risk to do something a little different. Every night was different in an almost palpable way because every group participated in the story in their own way. Some nights people were practically tearing clues off the walls. Other nights the interactive dynamic was much more subtle.

But every night Daphne somehow lost her cigarette case and we always managed to kill Nora...

It was fun.

Live painting to music

In the art vein, Saturday evening artist Pacia Sallomi will take to the canvass during live musical performance by the Wisconsin Wind Orchestra at Carroll University. The resultant paintings will be auctioned off as a fundraiser.

It's an interesting idea, to fuse different media at one time in one place, confronting multiple senses and theoretically engaging more of the mind and heart through the attempt. Not unlike theater.

Probably the paintings will be abstract.

Pacia is also a creative writer, though I haven't read her creative work in years.


The Art of Guzzetta

I met the creative and talented Andrea Guzzetta at one of our Who Killed the Ghost of Christmas Past? murder mystery shows at Alchemist Theatre.

She and her boyfriend won the top prize that night, which means they're good at sleuthing.

She's an artist by trade and we got to talking about graphic novels after the show and the possibility of some kind of collaboration.

I've been impressed by her imagination and vision. The kinds of questions she's asked about character and story have helped me work through my own creative writing.

Have a look at Andrea's site and her artwork thus far. There's a playfulness sometimes coupled with a somber sadness--and a shared desire to tell, or "show," stories that compel us at a mythical level. Her career is young and bright.


New Bay View artist

Talented artist Jenie Gao recently moved into some Bay View studio space.

I came upon her work in the course of writing a story on the storefronts of Howell Avenue for the February 2012 issue of the Bay View Compass.

Her prints, drawings, and paintings reflect an active mind, pure heart, and sure hand. Gao's artist statements, as posted at her website, draw meaningful syntheses.

She's going to be offering a woodcutting workshop in February.

Check out her work:


Info on the course:
